Prayer Chain


Prayer is the lifeblood of faith, and we pray with and for each other corporately and individually.  In 2000, members began a "Prayer Chain" composed of people to pray for those who needed our prayers.  The names on the Prayer List include members of St. Andrew's Parish and their immediate family as well as their more distant relatives, friends, and neighbors.  The Prayer List is updated frequently.  Further, individuals are also included each Sunday in the service bulletin and in the Prayers of the People.

If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, or you would like to join our "Prayer Chain", please contact Richard or Shirley Comisky at:



               Shirley :

Persons on the prayer list will remain for three months unless Richard or Shirley are otherwise notified.



For additional Prayer Resources, including daily Morning and Evening Prayers, click HERE .

© 2024 Saint Andrew's In The Valley Episcopal Church
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